Meet the Gourlay’s team


Meet Preston, our fearless leader and pharmacist extraordinaire! After graduating from the UofA in 2021 with a Pharm D and MBA, he packed up and moved home to Banff to re-join the Gourlay’s team. Rumour has it, Preston's been around the shop since he was 8, and was maybe paid in chocolate bars. When off-duty, he's all about family and friends, soaking up Banff's beauty. His motto is all about doing what makes you feel most alive. Preston claims he's just as he seems - no hidden talents here! What a guy!


With a knack for marketing and a passion for nutrition, Riley brings a fresh and unique perspective to the Gourlay’s team. When she's not busy delighting customers or scouting new products, you can find her conquering trails, paddle boarding on the lakes, or whipping up delicious creations in the kitchen. Riley is here to add a dash of excitement to your pharmacy experience - drop by and say hello!


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Melissa graduated from Curtin University in Perth, Australia with a BSc. Pharm in 2013. She's been an integral part of the Gourlay’s team for 3 years, with a brief pause for maternity leave. Melissa adores travel medicine, hearing about people's global adventures, and helping them stay healthy on their journeys. Described as outgoing, organized, and just happy, her personal motto is "work hard and play harder." Besides work, she enjoys family time with her husband and three young children, finding kids bring joy to everything.


Morgan joined our Gourlay's team in 2021 after graduating from UofA with a BSc. Pharm degree. He is thrilled to be part of the Banff community and loves meeting and assisting people with their health needs. From reviewing medication treatments to researching new drugs, Morgan finds joy in continuous learning. Outside of work, he enjoys skiing, golfing, biking, and spending time with loved ones.


Scott graduated from the UofA in 1999 with a BSc. Pharm and brings a refreshing enthusiasm to the Gourlay's team. Known for his eccentricity, humor, and hard work, Scott joins us with a zest for life. With a passion for travel medicine, Scott eagerly caters to our local clients' needs in this area. Not only is he dedicated to patient care, but he also thrives on mentoring students, drawing from his experience as a lab instructor earlier in his career.

Scott lives by the motto "work to live, don't live to work," embodying a healthy work-life balance. He is happiest while hiking, snowboarding, cooking, or enjoying a good movie. And if that's not enough, he engages in what he humorously refers to as "Standard Bow Valley activities" of chasing rabbits and tickling bears.


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Brandi, a Registered Pharmacy Technician, has been an invaluable member of the Gourlay's Team for over, an impressive, 30 years. Her journey with us started during her high school days at Banff Community High School, bringing a wealth of experience and dedication to patient care. Brandi's passion lies in enhancing the transition of care from hospital to home and ensuring patients stay on track with their medications. Described as dedicated, collaborative, and genuine, she embodies the spirit of our team.

Like a true Disney fan, Brandi finds joy in overcoming challenges, echoing Walt Disney's words, "It’s kind of fun to do the impossible." Outside of work, you can find her indulging in her love for gardening, crafting, hand embroidery, and the great outdoors.


Louise brings a wealth of experience with her BSc. in Nursing, as well as training in Midwifery, and Community and Industrial Health. Her love for learning shines, and she cherishes the chance to grow and serve others. Louise’s expertise spans mental health, suicide prevention, men's health, and newborn health screenings. Described as people-loving, thankful, and joyful, Louise spreads positivity to everyone she meets. Outside of work, she enjoys quality time with her family, especially her two grandchildren, and unwinding through hiking adventures.


Zoe is a lively Australian, embracing the vibrant life in the Rockies! She’s known for her friendly and caring nature, which shines through when she’s helping our patients with prescriptions or finding the right brace. Her personal motto is “kill them with kindness” and if you’ve ever had the opportunity to meet Zoe, you’ve surely felt this. When she’s not in the pharmacy, she is happiest when snowboarding down majestic slopes or being surrounded by her loved ones.


Kendal is a Banff native and our beloved summer team member. She brings both her passion for Biological Science and Anthropology as a second-year University of Calgary student to Gourlay's Pharmacy. When not studying or working, she loves spending time with animals (especially her kitten Bonnie!) and volunteering at the animal shelter. Kendal is also a huge Swifty and loves to listen to and talk at length about her music, so next time you pop in be sure to chat with her about Taylor. And although a Swifty, her motto song is "Doubt" by Mary J Blige - give it one listen and you’ll be belting it in your car too.


Meet Sam, our summer-student superstar! Currently a pharmacy student at the University of Alberta, he brings a delightful mix of the latest pharmacy know-how and a hometown heart to Gourlay's Pharmacy every summer. With his fun-loving spirit and remarkable organizational skills, you can count on him to make your health care experience both knowledgeable and enjoyable.

When he’s not busy helping you with your health needs, you can find Sam soaking up the Banff sun on a patio, refreshing beverage in hand, enjoying quality time with friends. And if you peek into his home, you'll find an impressive collection of house plants, proving his love for all things green. Sam is here to make your day a little brighter and healthier!


Coming soon!


Meet Oliver (better known as Ollie among the Gourlay’s crew)! A true local, Oliver is a lifelong resident of the stunning Canmore and Calgary area and brings his vibrant energy to our pharmacy team. When he’s not dispensing knowledge, you can find him lacing up his running shoes or taking his furry friend on adventures. Enthusiasm is Ollie’s middle name, and his goofy charm is undeniably infectious!

Ollie also has a hidden talent that’ll make you do a double take—he can unicycle! Yes, you heard that right! He once conquered the pedal-powered journey all the way from Canmore to Banff, leaving a trail of impressed onlookers in his wake. Whether it's juggled balls or new skills, Ollie's always up for a challenge. If you're around, be sure to catch him balancing life—and his unicycle—one pedal at a time!


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